This article is in response to a post that came to my attention on

“Hello there. If you know any source for (background) music that’s suitable for stuff like podcasts, please let me know. Thank you.”

Instead of just replying there I thought that it may be useful to make this article so others can see it.

So, here is a list of Value for Value Music that I have compiled for use in my Lightning Thrashes Music Podcast

It is by no means exhaustive but it should be a good starting point for those looking.

The best way that I know how to find such music (even though it’s very time consuming) is to go to and click the search tab.

Then you will be confronted with a list of music albums registered in the Podcast Index

Click away and listen. When you find something you like make a note of it. Then go to the Podcast Index and search for it.

The Podcast Index will give you the RSS feed for where the music lives on the internet.

You could, if you want download the song right there from the Index or use a pod catcher app like gPodder to download all the songs in the feed. (This is what I do)

The following list is by no means exhaustive. I compiled most of it in early 2024

This is just a short list. There are tons of Value for Value music out there.


If you are going to play this music in your podcast make sure to put the artist in your splits! That way they can receive some value in return for the value they have given you.

Value for Value

If you found any value in this article, please send some value back to me.

Thank you! -Sir Libre