This site uses the Hugo content management system and is hosted on github.

Clone the Repo

Fork the github repo

Then clone your forked repo to your machine.

git clone<YOUR-GITHUB-ACCOUNT>/v4vmusic_com_hugo.git

Create a new branch for you to work in

git branch <new-branch>

Checkout your new branch

git checkout <new-branch>

Write your Article

Now that you have a working local git repo you can write your article using the Markdown format. I recommend using the Obsidian editor as it’s freaking awesome!

make a copy of the file v4vmusic_com_hugo/submitted/ and rename it to v4vmusic_com_hugo/submitted/

Open v4vmusic_com_hugo/submitted/ in your favorite text editor and begin typing. Be sure to fill out the information at the top of the file. Save your work.

If you’re using Obsidian there are a few extra steps but in my opinion well worth it.

Open v4vmusic_com_hugo/submitted/ in your favorite text editor.

Select everything Ctrl-A

Copy everything Ctrl-C

then in Hugo create a new note and paste into it.

Start writing away, when you are finished again copy everything from Obsidian and past into your favorite text editor.

Make sure to save the file as in the v4vmusic_com_hugo/submitted/ folder

Commit Your Changes and Submit

On the command line execute the following command

git add .

git commit -m 'Submitting my article'

git push

Submit a Pull Request

Go to your github account and submit a pull request If your pull request is accepted then someone with proper access will review your article and add it to the website